Philipp Mayr, GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, Germany
Ingo Frommholz, University of Bedfordshire in Luton, UK
Guillaume Cabanac, University of Toulouse, France
Duration: Full Day
The BIR workshop brings together experts of Bibliometrics and Information Retrieval. While sometimes perceived as rather loosely related, they share various interests and face similar challenges. Our motivation as organizers of the BIR workshop stemmed from a twofold observation. First, both communities are only partly overlapping albeit sharing various interests. Second, knowledge transfer would be profitable for both sides to tackle some of the emerging problems scholars face nowadays when they have to deal with identifying relevant and high quality literature among the very fast growing number of electronic publications available worldwide. Bibliometric techniques are not yet widely used to enhance retrieval processes in digital libraries, although they offer value-added effects for users. Information professionals working in libraries and archives, however, are increasingly confronted with applying bibliometric techniques in their services. This workshop aims to raise awareness of the missing link between Information Retrieval (IR) and bibliometrics/scientometrics and to create a common ground for the incorporation of bibliometric-enhanced services into retrieval at the scholarly search engine interface.
The third BIR workshop (BIR2016) addresses scholarly and explicitly industrial researchers. Our interests include information retrieval, information seeking, science modelling, network analysis, and digital libraries. The goal is to apply insights from bibliometrics, scientometrics, and informetrics to concrete, practical problems of information retrieval and browsing.
Dino Ienco, University of Turin, Italy
Mathieu Roche, University of Montpellier, France
Salvatore Romeo, University of Calabria, Italy
Paolo Rosso, Politechnic University of Valencia, Spain
Andrea Tagarelli, University of Calabria, Italy
Duration: Half Day
The increasing availability of text information coded in many different languages poses new challenges to modern information retrieval and mining systems in order to discover and exchange knowledge at a larger world-wide scale. The aim of this workshop is to establish a venue to discuss research advances in cross-/multilingual related topics, focusing on research questions that have not been deeply investigated so far (e.g., in CLEF and related events relevant to CLIR) and that are significant from a multidisciplinary perspective. This includes, but it is not limited to, theoretical and experimental on-going works about novel representation models, learning algorithms, and knowledge-based methodologies for emerging trends and applications, such as, e.g., cross-view cross-/multilingual information retrieval and document mining, (knowledge-based) translation-independent cross-/multilingual corpora, applications in social network contexts, and more.
Sumit Bhatia, IBM Watson, USA
Debapriyo Majumdar, Indian Statistical Institute Kolkata, India
Nitish Aggarwal, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland
Duration: Half Day
The ultimate goal of an IR system is to fulfill the user’s information need. Traditional search systems have been reactive in nature wherein the search systems react to an input query and return a set of ranked documents most probable to contain the desired information. Due to the inability of, and efforts required by users to create efficient queries expressing their information needs, techniques such as query expansion, query suggestions, using relevance feedback and click-through information, personalization, etc. have been used to better understand and satisfy users’ information needs. Given the increasing popularity of smart-phones and Internet enabled wearable devices, how can the information retrieval systems use the additional data, and better interact with the user so as to better understand, and even anticipate her precise information needs? Moving towards such Zero Query Minimum User Effort systems require research efforts from multiple disciplines covering algorithmic aspects of retrieval models, user modeling and profiling, evaluation, context modeling, novel user interfaces design, etc. The proposed workshop intends to gather together the researchers from academia and industry practitioners with these diverse backgrounds to share their experiences and opinions on challenges and possibilities of developing such proactive information retrieval systems.
Miguel Martinez-Alvarez, Signal Media Ltd., UK
Udo Kruschwitz, University of Essex, UK
Gabriella Kazai, Lumi, Semion Ltd, UK
Frank Hopfgartner, University of Glasgow, UK
David Corney, Signal Media Ltd., UK
Ricardo Campos, Polytechnic Institute of Tomar, Portugal
Dyaa Albakour, Signal Media Ltd., UK
Duration: Full-Day
Mainstream media outlets are often among the most relevant, influential and powerful sources of information. This ranges from the influence that newspapers have on elections to the damage to a brand’s reputation that a negative article on a popular blog can cause. Information Retrieval (IR) applied to news has been a popular research area for decades but it would be a mistake to assume that news search has been ‘solved’. Not only can algorithms still be improved but also there are serious gaps in the state of the art that need to be addressed. In this workshop, we will stimulate discussion around new and powerful uses of IR applied to news sources. We invite contributions on any of the multiple IR tasks that can help solve real user problems in this area.