All submissions must be written in English following the ECIR guidelines ( and the LNCS author guidelines ( and submitted electronically through the conference submission system (Easychair) selecting the proper track.
Full papers must not exceed 12 pages, short papers must not exceed 6 pages, demonstration papers must not exceed 4 pages, reproducible IR track papers must not exceed 12 pages, including references and figures.
Full paper, short paper and reproducible IR track paper submissions will be refereed through double-blind peer review, i.e. authors must be anonymized. Demonstration papers will undergo single-blind review, i.e. authors do not need to be anonymized.
Accepted full papers, short papers, demos and reproducible IR track papers will be published in the conference proceedings published in the Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science series. The proceedings will be distributed to all delegates at the Conference. Accepted full papers, short papers, demos and reproducible IR track papers will have to be presented at the conference. Short papers and reproducible IR track papers will either be presented as a poster or as an oral presentation.
Accepted workshops and tutorials will have a 4 pages summary published in the conference proceedings.